About Bazaar

Explore the alleys of Bazaar, an eclectic platform for the curious. — Collect or Share the things you love.  Set up spaces to gather with friends, co-workers or enthusiasts.

A network of various
spaces, people, collections & items.

Wander in a maze of spaces, collections, items & people. Join or create communities. Follow people and their collections. Keep being nourished with things you’ll love.


Bazaar is a network of spaces where enthusiasts, friends or teams gather around specific topics. Join existing spaces or create new ones.


Everyone can create collections to save the things they find on the web or on Bazaar. Your collections are your personal bags where you can store & organize your stuff.


You can save many things on Bazaar. Images, links, videos, quotes, notes, articles, social embeds, .. From your computer or your phone.


North Palisade — Wikipedia

videos & sounds

PREMIERE: Hubert Dubois — One Very Important Thought

Love and life
Interested me so
That I dared to knock
At the door of the cosmos


Manage who can access your spaces and collections — and who can post.


A quick overview of Bazaar features

Bazaar accommodates leisure, work and knowledge. Observe and collect the good stuff. Share the gems you found. Join public communities of enthusiasts or create a private space to collaborate with your peers.

Layouts Bored with a layout? A layout is not suited to your needs? Use another one.
Collaborate on collections & spaces Invite people and set permissions on your collections and spaces.
Browser extension Collect the images you find on the web — Firefox & Chrome
shortcuts Quickly access your favorite spaces, collections and people.
Progressive web app Add Bazaar to your smartphone using “Add to Home Screen”

Explore Bazaar

Browse items, collections & communities